Dental Hygiene

A healthy smile for life starts right here at Alder Dental Group

Routine Dental Cleanings

Visit us every six months although they may be recommended more frequently. Visiting us regularly is the best way to decrease your chances of tooth decay and gum disease.

At Alder Dental Group your appointment includes a gentle cleaning from your amazing hygienist. As well as oral health care tips from your hygienist and a custom treatment plan and follow-up appointment scheduling.

Hygiene Care FAQ

Is it necessary to get a dental cleaning every six months?

Routine Dental Cleanings are very necessary to help address stubborn areas. Although you brush and floss your teeth daily there will always be bacteria-filled plaque and tartar that sticks around.

What question should I ask my dentist?

You are more than welcome to ask us what toothbrush and toothpaste we recommend based on your teeth. We are as well here to answer any dental health/disease questions!
